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Immigration lawyer urges Cubans to opt for legal means to emigrate to the US

Seven Cuban migrants and their dog are rescued in the Mexican Caribbean

HAVANA.- The lawyer specialized in immigration, Willy Allen, highlighted this Wednesday the importance of Cubans use only legal methods to immigrate to the United States, stressing that “the southern border between Mexico and the United States will be further tightened by the corresponding authorities.”

According to review Martí News, Allen warned that the new measures imposed by the Joe Biden Administration will significantly complicate the entry of migrants through irregular routes. These recent restrictions, announced this month, give federal immigration agents greater authority to accept or reject asylum applications and expedite deportations. According to US authorities, this regulation will allow those who represent a risk to national or public security to be expelled more quickly.

The lawyer recalled the current agreement between the United States and Mexico, where the latter agreed to receive 30,000 migrants from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Haiti since last year. “This agreement will escalate, subjecting migrants to speedy trials, resulting in quick asylums in some cases and deportations in others,” Allen said.

The recent telephone conversation between President Biden and his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, addressed the migration crisis at the border, highlighting the need for cooperation to manage the migratory flow. From May 2023 to February 2024, the United States has deported or returned more than 593,000 people, most of whom crossed the southwest border. Among them, more than 93,000 were individual families.

Allen mentioned that only 800 Cubans managed to obtain political asylum in the United States between October 2023 and March 2024, reflecting the difficulty of these processes. Cuba faces an unprecedented exodus, with more than half a million emigrants since December 2021. Last April, almost 18,000 Cubans arrived at the US border.

For Cubans benefiting from the Humanitarian Parole program, Allen explained that, although more than 91,000 have arrived in the United States, there are still 11,000 people waiting to enter the country. The lack of clarity in these cases has generated uncertainty, with notifications of cases under review without concrete answers.

The lawyer also called on those who try to enter the United States by sea, warning that they will be deported to Cuba. “The sea is never the solution,” Allen emphasized. On May 17, the United States Coast Guard repatriated 26 Cuban rafters detained near the Florida Keys while they were trying to enter irregularly.

Source: With information from Martí Noticias

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