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Immigration: the government wants to resume consultations to present a bill in July

Elisabeth Borne asked Gérald Darmanin this Tuesday evening to “conduct consultations in the coming weeks” so that a bill on immigration is presented this summer.

New turnaround on the part of the executive. This Tuesday evening, the Prime Minister instructed the Minister of the Interior to resume consultations on the immigration law in order to present a bill in July, learned BFMTV from Matignon, confirming information from the Figaro.

“The Prime Minister asked (during a meeting at Matignon this evening) Gérald Darmanin, in constant contact with Olivier Dussopt and Franck Riester, to conduct consultations on the subject in the coming weeks,” Matignon told BFMTV.

In Parliament in the fall?

These consultations, which will last a month, have the “objective of presenting a bill in July so that measures can be examined in Parliament in the fall”, continued Matignon.

The head of government said on April 26, presenting her roadmap for the continuation of the five-year term after the pension crisis, that there was currently “no majority to vote for such a text”, much criticized by the left. .

But she already had the ambition to present the bill to Parliament in the fall. “If we cannot find a global agreement, we will in any case present a text in the fall, with efficiency as our only compass,” she had launched.

As a reminder, Les Républicains have also announced their intention to table two bills by the summer.

Leopold Audebert with Theo Putavy

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