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Immigration: with quotas, the residence permit "jobs in tension" will struggle to exist

It is a measure that appeals to part of the employers facing significant recruitment difficulties, but also the left wing of the majority who sees in it the rebalancing of a text on immigration considered to be severe. But the creation of a residence permit “jobs in tension”, intended for workers in an irregular situation, worries the right which perceives it as the instrument of a massive regularization. In search of a majority to pass its bill, presented to the Council of Ministers in early February, the government is embarking on the risky path of “quotas”.

Until then, through the voice of Gérald Darmanin, he tried to reassure by highlighting the rules governing the device (duration of one year, three years of life in the territory, no family reunification possible). Without success. From now on, still through the Minister of the Interior, he proposes to the elected Republicans to limit the number of annual regularizations by establishing quotas. But the implementation of such a device is likely to kill the title “stressed professions” even before its entry into force. Who will establish the number of authorizations issued by profession? How often will updates be made? Past experiences have shown that the administration struggled to adapt to the pace of the economy. If he goes to the end of his idea, the executive risks erasing the balance of his text. Without finally convincing the right, decidedly very hesitant, to vote for the text.

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