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Impeachment trial against Secretary Mayorkas due to immigration crisis

Impeachment trial against Secretary Mayorkas due to immigration crisis

The Diary in 90 seconds. Impeachment trial against Secretary Mayorkas due to immigration crisis. “Humanitarian Parole” benefits more than 350,000 migrants, but the crisis persists. European Union calls for immediate release of Venezuelan activist accused by regime. How much does tycoon Jeff Bezos save by moving to Miami?

House of Representatives opens impeachment trial against Secretary Mayorkas for immigration crisis

The United States House of Representatives approved on Tuesday to initiate an impeachment trial against the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, accused by Republicans for his management of the southern border of the United States, whose crisis is affecting American cities due to the massive migration.

The vote comes after a similar first attempt failed last week. It is the first time in 150 years that a political trial has been opened against a senior cabinet official. It only happened in 1876 with Secretary of War William Belknap.

President Joe Biden was quick to react and called the historic vote against Secretary Mayorkas “unconstitutional.” The House of Representatives is in the power of the Republicans.

“History will not look favorably on House Republicans for their flagrant act of unconstitutional partisanship that has targeted an honorable public servant to engage in petty political games,” the Democratic leader said in a statement.

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