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Importance of consuming seasonal foods for health and physical well-being and to protect the environment

Importance of consuming seasonal

This is why for our health and for the environment we will have to consume seasonal foods. Nutritionists always recommend consuming seasonal foods. But why? Let’s see it together.

Well, the seasonal foods allow us to preserve ours health but also the environment that surrounds us. As a result of such a lifestyle choice, therefore, we will have to eat only seasonal fruit and vegetables and, if possible, km 0. So, in Autumn it will be necessary to consume mainly the pearswhile in winter they are the most popular oranges.

In winter, for example, we enjoy broccoli and

In springthen, we will have to insert the asparagus in salads and as a side dish. Finally, in summer we will have to fill up on tomatoes and so on. Consider that the problem of looking for seasonal foods arises only in today’s world. This is because scientific discoveries have made it possible to introduce new cultivation methods into agriculture. Therefore, nowadays we will be able to find any fruit or vegetable, regardless of the reference season.

The meaning of seasonal food

Seasonal feeding can vary depending on the Regions and the climate, as well as other external conditions. Therefore, to find out which fruit and vegetables are in season in our region, we can consult Internet. The importance of consuming seasonal foods is linked to several reasons which we will see here in detail.

First of all, this choice is in favor of nourishment and the palate. This because seasonal foods I am more tasty and they also guarantee a better nutritional intake. Secondly, it allows to the environment to follow his natural cycles and respect the seasons. Thirdly, growing food in season requires a less waste of energy and water. Indeed, the artificial production of heat, which is needed to grow summer fruits, involves the use of fossil fuels. Add to this, as indicated, the expenditure of large quantities of water, with the consequence that the whole has a negative impact on the environment.

Artificial cultivation has a negative impact on the

Importance of consuming seasonal foods for a varied diet

Seasonal food is very important for our health, as foods are richer in vitamins and mineral salts. Therefore, they are helpful in preparing the body better against colds and flu. Furthermore, the choice is associated with a lower environmental impact as seasonal fruits do not need chemical additives. The latter, as known, are harmful to health and the environment. To follow up on our choice, therefore, we will have to begin to learn more about the environment in which we live. So, we should research local producers and sellers of fruits and vegetables, trying to shopping at km 0. This means, precisely, consuming not only seasonal food but also that sold in the places of production.

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