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Important points in Habeck’s heating law sound like those from studies by his friends

Central points from Robert Habeck’s heating law sound like recommendations from studies by his closest confidants. This is shown by study excerpts presented by the “Bild” newspaper. First of all, we will show you the exact constellation in the area surrounding Habeck.

The green think tank study

In July 2022, the first results of a study were presented. The study had been commissioned by the think tank Agora Energiewende – where Habeck’s state secretary Patrick Graichen used to be the boss – among others at the Öko-Institut, where his siblings work.

Central results of the study:

  • By 2045, heating systems must be “completely converted to renewable energies”.
  • The conversion must be initiated immediately and “the 65 percent requirement must be implemented immediately”. This requirement is a “core tool to align the heating market with climate targets (this is about new heating systems having to be operated with at least 65 percent renewable energies)
  • Heat pumps are the “key to climate neutrality in buildings”

Habeck’s reform of the Building Energy Act (GEG) is based on these sentences and exactly the same data (2045, 65 percent). The study speaks of a “regulatory impulse”.

Four months later, the study was published in its entirety. The title: “Breakthrough for the heat pump”.

The impulse paper of the green think tank

A year earlier, the Agora Energiewende had published an impulse paper. The “Bild” newspaper quotes from this that the installation “of gas and oil boilers should be largely banned from 2024”. There is also a proposal there to completely ban gas and oil heating from 2045.

Again two demands that were formulated in Habeck’s heating law. Co-author of the impulse paper: Habeck’s current State Secretary Patrick Graichen.

The report of Habeck’s confidant

Last but not least, the report “Building Strategy Climate Neutrality 2045” is also the basis for Habeck’s draft law. Involved in:

  • The Öko-Institut, where the two Graichen siblings Jakob and Verena work.
  • The German Energy Agency, whose new boss is now Patrick Graichen’s best man.
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