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“Impossible to hold back our tears”: the Dunands (large families) grieving to say goodbye to Louane

This Saturday April 1, Aurélie and Cédric Dunand and their clan discovered in Large families: life in XXL must have gone through a very emotional stage. While Louane is about to realize one of her dreams, her relatives had a hard time seeing her go by accompanying her to the airport.

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It was in 2021 that the Dunands were revealed in the docu-reality signed TF1, Large families: life in XXL. Aurélie and Cédric are the happy parents of a blended family of five children. Louane and Célia were born from a previous union of Cédric. Together, the couple expanded the family with Léanne, Maélie and Milane. If the tribe no longer appears on the screen, the mother continues to share highlights of their daily life such as her professional retraining or the little worries of her children. More recently, major news has turned all the members upside down as the eldest takes off for new horizons. Indeed, Louane is going on a five-month internship in Crete in a heavenly hotel.

A difficult separation

As agreed, the Dunands went to the airport this Saturday, April 1 to accompany Louane, on the way to realize his dream. And the tears flowed at the moment of separation. “We experienced so many emotions this morning before Louane boarded, we all tried to hold back our tears. She leaves for a beautiful project, for her school, to come back bilingual, and because it’s her choice, a dream to travel”, confessed Aurélie Dunand in an Instagram video where we see the whole family reunited. “Et even though we all know she’s coming back in five months, that we will do everything to visit him. Well impossible for us to hold back our tears, we were all 6 crying. It’s not easy to control emotions, whatever the age”added the companion of Cédric.

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Aurélie Dunand can count on the support of her community

Aware that she is not the first mother to experience this kind of moment, Aurélie Dunand sent a message to her community: “Big thoughts to all the families who see their children/stepchildren go miles from home.” Several subscribers did not fail to support the family by leaving comments such as: “Ohlalala, I imagine your emotion. She arrived safely? I hope you can go visit her!” “I understand you and it’s so beautiful what you feel for her”, “Bravo Louane for this great adventure!! Big thought to you all” or “It’s going to be a great experience for her.“.

Article written in collaboration with 6medias.

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