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Impressive fire in a house in Santos Lugares: they were fixing a gas leak and the house exploded

The ground floor of the house was completely destroyed.

an impressive burst was registered this Monday night in a house in the Buenos Aires town of holy places, in the Tres de Febrero party, when employees of a gas company were trying to fix a leak. The shock wave caused damage in the area and left several people injured, although none of them seriously.

According to what the residents of the place explained, it all started after 7:30 p.m., when they began to smell gas coming out of a pipe that was leaking and, a few hours later, the explosion that ended up destroying the house was generated. ground floor of a home located at the intersection of Almafuerte and Williams streets, and caused damage to surrounding properties.

According to the first versions, the fire broke out when the Fire and Police personnel were already at the scene, who immediately cut off traffic in the surroundings and then proceeded to evacuate the families that live on that block.

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However, as a result of the shock wave of the explosion, at least six people were injured, including a policeman and two firefighters, but all were taken to nearby municipal hospitals and would be out of danger.

“We were just talking with the gas borrowing company. They are trying to see that there is no more loss, because there is a part that continues to lose. They are going to bring machinery to try to cut it, but we cannot give light at the moment. We are going to stay doing prevention until everything is over,” the commanding general explained in dialogue with Crónica TV. Ramon Wallwho is in front of one of the 17 fire crews who were still serving at the location.

According to what he specified, what remains in the area “is actually a minor loss, but it is outside, so there are a lot of company personnel working” to prevent a new explosion from occurring.

“There are pieces of debris everywhere. When we arrived, the injured were already being transferred by SAME and our firefighters, who were doing the prevention when the explosion occurred, are out of danger, ”he explained.

According to Pared, the catastrophe happened because there was “a lot of gas accumulated, something ignited and that caused the explosion,” although he remarked that, since “there was already a smell” on the block, the firefighters had already set up an operation there ” and there were no civilians passing by.”

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“There are around 20 employees of the provider company watching the situation. Around here everything is evacuated, everything that is the danger zone. The firefighters are fine, they checked them and some are already at their homes, ”he completed.

According to the neighbors. Since morning there were already people from the municipality doing asphalt tasks in the street: “For me it was that they punctured a pipe. At night I went down and when the explosion occurred, the firefighter was there with those who were working,” explained a woman who lives on the block.

“I think today the patching began to take place. What happens is that they brought in some very heavy excavators and it can be seen that the vibrations broke the pipes in the street. All of us who were here heard an explosion and ran away, ”said another man who also has his house in this area.

After 11:15 p.m., the Chief of Staff of Tres de Febrero, Baptist Pinecommented to TN that “around 40 people have already been evacuated” and transferred to the municipal sports center, while “the situation is in the process of being controlled, although the firefighters are still working.”

The mayor of Tres de Febrero, Diego Valenzuelashared through his Twitter account a letter sent by the operating company of the gas service, naturgyin which what happened in the home of Almafuerte and Williams was explained.

The Naturgy statement

“When the staff of the gas distributor’s Emergency Care Center attended, due to having received a complaint of a broken pipe, three collaborators, who work for one of the distributor’s contractor companies, were injured when they tried to control the incident. They were immediately treated by health personnel and fortunately no one has serious injuries. Their relatives have already been contacted and both they and their families have the company’s support,” the firm said.

Likewise, it was detailed that “there are other people who are being treated by health personnel, who would have been affected by the explosion that occurred inside a house, which suffered serious damage.”

“We are working with the Municipal Authorities, Firefighters, Civil Defense and Health Personnel to control the incident and the gas leak, a task that is estimated to be completed soon. Likewise, they are collaborating to determine the origin of the explosion,” the statement concluded.

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