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Impressive: People look for food inside a dump in Cuba

Impressive: People look for food inside a dump in Cuba

In a huge dump surrounded by lean cows, dozens of people live off garbage in Holguín, denounced the Cuban Observatory for Human Rights (OCDH).

“Garbage dump where poor people without resources come to look for anything to sell, even food to survive,” he published in Facebook the organization.

Cuba’s failed economic policies have incorporated thousands of people to the line of extreme poverty on the island, where inflation has reached historical levels and most of the time access to food is difficult.

The images of the video have been replicated on the island in recent months. The OCDH has documented dozens of cases of elderly people who survive by begging in the streets of several provinces of the island, especially in Camagüey, Holguín, Santiago de Cuba.

The materials show an exponential increase in begging in Cuba, where one of these cases was that of a man lying in the streets who could barely move and was next to a sign with the message “I need a peso, I’m hungry.”

There is also that of an elderly Cuban ex-combatant who begs for alms to survive on the streets and denounced that the Cuban government has totally abandoned him.

This is David González, who said that after the revolution discarded him, he stayed in extreme poverty and health problems.

In April, the DatoWorld firm, a renowned international electoral observatory, said that Cuba is the poorest country in Latin America, with a 72% poverty rate. The elderly and people with physical limitations are the population groups most affected by this situation.

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