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IMSS 2023: How to request the payment for retirement if I am from the 73 regime?

IMSS 2023: How to request the payment for retirement if I am from the 73 regime?

The pension for regime 73 of Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) It is a modality that applies if you contributed before the July 1, 1997. Next we explain what are the steps to perform this withdrawal.

First of all you must have a minimum of 500 weeks of contributions and depending on the age at which you retire, they will grant you a pension percentage what would correspond to you if you waited until the 65 years old.

According to the National Commission of the Retirement Savings Systemto determine the pension, the average daily salary of the last 250 listed weeks (about 5 years) and your salary level.

What steps must you follow to make this withdrawal under Regime 73?

You must go to the IMSS Subdelegation to make your Pension Application. Once you get a response from IMSS and know the type of withdrawal that corresponds to you, go to your AFORE to start your process of “disposition of resources“.

Subsequently, present at the branch of your AFORE the required documentation along with the “Request for Disposition of Resources” which will be provided to you, duly filled out and signed.

Finally, within a period of no more than 6 business days, the AFORE will make available to you the resources that correspond to you according to the pension scheme what did you choose

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What documents are requested under Regime 73?

You must go to the IMSS Subdelegation to make your Pension Request

It is necessary to have the following documents to start the process of your pension IMSS:

  • official identification
  • Statement of Account of your AFORE or some voucher that accredits your registration in the Administrator (if you do not have it, request it from your AFORE)
  • Bank account statement with the Standardized Bank Code number (CLABE)
  • Resolution or denial of pension issued by the IMSS

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