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IMSS 2023: What should I do if I have two Social Security Numbers (NSS)?

On some occasions there is possibility that people have their Social Security number (NSS) of the IMSS duplicateFor that reason, here at The Truth News we will tell you the steps to fix it.

What is the Social Security Number (SSN)? It is a unique keypermanent and untransferable assigned for each worker and insured and serves to carry a registration with the IMSS.

What do I do if I don’t remember my SSN? In case you forgot your Social Security Number (SSN), now you can check it easily and fast through IMSS website using your curp and an account personal email

IMSS 2023: What should I do to unify my Social Security Number?

The procedure for
unify the NSS before him

If you wish unify your Social Security Number (NSS) you must go to the Subdelegation of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) closest to your home from Monday to Friday at business days from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m..

Which IMSS Subdelegation corresponds to me? To locate the IMSS Subdelegation that corresponds to you, you can get into to the following link.

What is the cost to unify the Social Security Number? The procedure for unify the NSS before him IMSS is gratuitous.

It may interest you: IMSS 2023: How to register at a clinic online?

IMSS 2023: What documents do I need to correct my Social Security Number?

To consult your
NSS you need one
curp and an account
personal email.

  • Certified copy of the Birth Certificate (Original)
  • Current official identification (Original)
  • CURP (Original)
  • Proof of address (Original)
  • Document issued by the IMSS containing the Social Security Number (NSS) (Original and copy)
  • Request for regularization and/or correction of the insured’s personal data (Original)

To download the “regularization request and/or correction of personal information of the insured” you can click here.

How do I get my Social Security Number (SSN)? To check your Social Security Number (NSS), you must enter the next page using your CURP and a valid email.

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