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In an act in Misiones, the President once again targeted the City of Buenos Aires

With a speech focused on “federalism”, President Alberto Fernández once again pointed out the “opulence” of the City of Buenos Aires and demanded that it “be part of a better distribution in Argentina.”

“Yesterday (on Tuesday) I was speaking with the governors who visited me and I told them: ‘I just realized that I am the first president of democracy who was born in the City of Buenos Aires.’ I am the most federal of Buenos Aires and the most concerned about the interior of my country, and I fight a lot with my city so that it puts aside its opulence and is part of a better distribution in Argentina”, said the president in Posadas, Misiones, where he led the delivery of 597 homes.

The president’s renewed criticism of the City is part of the dispute over co-participating funds that the Court ordered to restore to the administration led by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, by making room for a precautionary measure presented by the Buenos Aires Executive. This raised the tension between the highest court and the Casa Rosada, which at first threatened not to comply with the ruling, but later announced that it would pay in bonds, something the mayor rejected.

“Everything becomes more difficult away from the port of Buenos Aires,” said Fernández. And he continued with his darts to the Capital: “We live in an Argentina that a generation with the best faith designed with a very rich center, with that agro-export idea, and later with a very forgotten North and South. And I got in the head that we have to put an end to those Argentinas, Argentina is one”.

In another section of his speech, he again charged against the opposition. “There are those who believe that the State should be present to bring housing closer to those who cannot access it and there are others who believe that everyone should go to the market to give them housing, and not everyone can resort to a mortgage loan, a bank. Many still need the State to help them,” he concluded.

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