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In Colo Colo they advance that progress is being made in the remodeling of the Monumental Stadium

The president of Blanco y Negro, Alfredó Stöhwing, announced during the Shareholders’ Meeting that they are already working on the remodeling of the Monumental Stadium.

© Guille SalazarIn Colo Colo they work silently in the remodeling of the Monument

Colo Colo lived a day of news this Friday, this because the Shareholders Meeting was held at the Monumental Stadium, where the new members of the White and Black table were elected. On the occasion, the shareholders had the opportunity to consult on various issues, including the remodeling of the sports venue located in Pedrero.

Regarding this topic, it was the president of Blanco y Negro, Alfredo Stöhwing, who took a few minutes to explain what this project is about, emphasizing that it is already in the pipeline. “It is a very heartfelt ambition of all the people of Colocolino to have a better stadium and at this time We all share that the stadium experience is not what we would all like, so I can assure you that this project is on the horizon.“Said the boss of the dealership.

Colo Colo is already working on the remodeling of the Monumental Stadium

Along with that, he announced that work is already being done on said matter, but he preferred not to give further details that cannot be fulfilled later. “We hope that in the next period, regardless of who directs it, progress will be made. very importantly about the stadium project, so it has worked and advanced quietly. It is preferable not to be making announcements that cannot be fulfilled later, but rather that work is being done,” said Stöhwing.

In addition, Stöhwing indicated that during 2024 more news related to the remodeling of the Monumental will be announced with the centenary of the club in mind. “We hope to have more concrete news during the course of the following year to be able to discuss it at next year’s meeting, so there is this concern and with a view to the centenary we hope to have news about it“, closed the president of ByN.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that Colo Colo will not be able to count on his audience at the Monumental Stadium for the next three games, that he will play at home, in the National Championship for the punishment due to the incidents against Universidad de Chile. In addition, they are awaiting the decision of Conmebol for the excesses that were experienced in the duel against Monagas.

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