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In Colo Colo they confirm two more reinforcements: “On Monday or Tuesday we will present them”

In a press conference held at the ANFP headquarters as part of the launch of the Super Cup, the President of Blanco y Negro announced the good news for Colo Colo, who will have two more reinforcements next week

© Guillermo SalazarColo Colo will have new names next week

Colo Colo entered the final stretch to close the transfer market. The incorporation of Carlos Palacios and Leandro Benegas were the last players to join the Cacique’s preseason in Argentina and, in the Alba store, they await more reinforcements.

This was mentioned by Daniel Morón a few days ago, expressing that the arrival of three new soccer players is expected, establishing quite limited deadlines for their presentation, generating the expectation of all the fans.

In Colo Colo they confirm the arrival of two reinforcements

Along the same lines, at a press conference held at the ANFP for the launch of the Super Cup, Alfredo Stöhwing faced the microphones and answered the various questions asked. In that sense, on the conformation of the establishment, assured and promised news for the next week.

“It is very probable that one or more players will arrive this weekend to undergo medical examinations and present them on Monday or Tuesday of next week.. Two players who will surely give the club a lot of satisfaction and are important. Subsequently, youn third that we are going to take a little more time to analyze it”, affirmed the president of Blanco y Negro.

A new reinforcement for the defense?

In the coaching staff there is concern about the medical situation of Emiliano Amor. The times that his recovery has taken were not as expected and, therefore, another addition to the rear was not ruled out.

However, it was the boss of the concessionaire himself who stated that “with the team that we are putting together, it is not necessary to think of another reinforcement. We hope a speedy recovery for Emiliano, There are formulas in the quarry to replace the different positions. We are going to have a new week”.

This way, Fabián Castillo is one of the names that the Cacique hopes to make official in the next few days. Colo Colo has everything agreed for the loan for a season with a purchase option for a percentage of his pass. In addition, it is expected to close the arrival of Matías Catalán and Miguel Merentiel to replace the departures of Óscar Opazo and Juan Martín Lucero, respectively.

All faith in Carlos Palacios

The arrival of La Joya caused expectation in many white fans. Despite the fact that he did not have a good role in Brazilian football, the former Spanish Union has the full support of Stöhwing, who relies on the contribution of the 22-year-old midfielder.

In this regard, he pointed out that “we are excited about his incorporation, he has a great future, he is young and we hope he will play a leading role in Colo Colo. One has to adapt to his characteristics, but I have no doubt that he is a great professional and we have a great coaching staff that he knows how to adapt to the requirements of each player. There will be no problem, we will support him as best as possible and we hope that he will be able to perform”.

To close, he stressed that “he has experience in local football and in two Brazilian clubs, he gained enormous experience and that is why we are sure that his career will take off. He will give us many goals and I am aware of the importance that he will have in the campus”.

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