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In his meeting with the IMF, Javier Milei hid the flag of dollarization

Like Trump, Javier Milei brings Jorge Bergoglio into the ring of a diplomatic dilemma

Javier Miley met this Friday with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The candidate of Freedom Advances He prepared a list of proposals and explained to two representatives of the credit agency what the economic plan that he intends to apply if he becomes president on December 10 consists of. In that proposition, dollarization conspicuous by its absence, the star flag of the far-right that scares the establishment and that the international organization does not look favorably on. However, the issue ended on the table.

The meeting lasted just over an hour and was held virtually. The far-right economist was accompanied by the team of advisors made up of Carlos Rodriguez, Darius Epstein and Roque Fernandezthree former officials of the government of Carlos Menem. On the Fund’s side, the libertarian plan was heard by the director of the Western Hemisphere, Rodrigo Valdez.

“The meeting was good. They agreed to continue talking,” LLA sources told this portal. Milei summarized in seven points the “set of reforms” that she will carry out if she presides over the country: an “important fiscal adjustment, more important than required by the Fund itself”; the unification of exchange rates; he “closing the financial deficit via cost reduction; the “opening up the economy”; “an adjustment that will not be paid for by society or production, but by politics through a deep reform of the state”; the impulse of a “modernization of labor laws” and the “promotion of a currency reform that ends with the Central Bank”.

Baglinazo and protocol

Although during the entire campaign of the libertarian the battle horse was the dollarization of the economy, the proposal did not appear in the original list of proposals raised before the organization. as far as he could tell Letter Pthe initiative entered into discussion after the candidate finished his presentation, but the Fund did not give a specific response on the matter.

“The discussion was an opportunity to exchange views on Argentina’s current economic prospects and understand its economic policy priorities. As indicated above, the meeting is part of the Fund’s regular and routine contacts with a wide range of political and countries, which also include countries with IMF programs, to understand their points of view and opinions on the general objectives and key policies of the programs supported by the Fund”, limited itself to informing the body that leads Kristalina Georgieva.

Knowing the result of the STEP, in the US the former US Treasury official and US representative at the IMF, Mark Sobelcame out to warn that “dollarization would be too risky a bet”. “There is no magic formula for the country’s problems,” she said.

Days ago, Milei had assured that the Fund “is a disastrous institution that protects irresponsible politicians“, but only 24 hours later he assured that he had no “problems” with the organization because his position is much more orthodox in fiscal terms. “We would be overachieved in the fiscal goal because we have that conviction”, he affirmed.

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