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In Japan they reveal the secret to finding happiness in life and the ideal job, crazy!

In Japan they reveal the secret to finding

Many people wake up in the morning already tired and unstimulated. The problem they experience is not a lack of vitamins, but the need to find an inner driving force. And in the Japanese islands of Ryūkyū they are convinced that they have found it.

Every company in history has found increasingly useful answers for provide meaning to your life. For the ancient Greeks, for example, the two rules carved on the facade of the temple of Apollo at Delphi were very important: “know yourself” And “nothing over the limit”. Using these two concepts one could find serenity without offending the gods or violating harmony and the sense of right measure.

In recent years, the scale of values ​​used by the populations of the district of Okinawa, in Japan, has had more and more resonance. The inhabitants of the Ryukyu Islandsindeed, they are among the longest-lived and happiest in the world. Analyzing the statistics, among other things, the trend towards access to retirement plans at a very old age seems to emerge. It can therefore be said that they are very satisfied with the activity they carry out as a job. In Japan they reveal the secret to finding happiness and prosperity in private and professional life and we should listen to them.

Japanese islands of

A word that summarizes a way of seeing things

The word that is used to summarize the concept is, Italianized, Ikigai. According to this philosophy every human being should guide their actions to some concepts: live in the present, forget yourself, start with small actions in the world around us, rejoice in small joys. With these means, man could aspire to find his own ideal dimension, which is the one that characterizes ikigai. This size corresponds to the find the own ideal businesswhich would be the one combines its vocation, its mission, its passion and its professionalism.

In summary, the perfect job (to be understood not in the sense of heavy activity but of representation of one’s raison d’être) should have the following characteristics: enhance what we do best (professionalism), what we like it deeply (the sphere of passion), what it is useful that we do (the mission with which we are or feel invested) e economic remuneration and emotional (the World recognizes the importance of our vocation by supporting it with deeds and words).

We could use these indications as a series of points to consider when approaching a new activity or a profession. Maybe this method could make us discard many options that don’t make us really satisfied.

The secret to finding happiness and prosperity in private and working life is expressed in the word

In Japan they reveal the secret to finding happiness and prosperity in private and working life

Motivation is like a flame lit within us. Investing time and resources in preserving it, or spending a few moments reinvigorating it may be the best investment to make. Successful people are often motivated by deep ideals. Or at least from deeply rooted beliefs. Let’s try to carry on our good intentions using all the best possible advice.

And let’s remember that nothing keeps us fixed to a place or an activity. And if we want to completely change our life, we could go to Valencia, since it has recently been elected as the best city to expatriate to.

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