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In La Grande-Motte, municipal police checks filmed and broadcast live

The municipal police of La Grande-Motte are testing new pedestrian cameras that broadcast their images live. A device that allows “to secure the agent” explains the mayor of the city at the microphone of BFMTV.

Soon cameras for every police officer on duty? This is a track currently being studied by the municipal police officers of La Grande-Motte, in the Hérault, where eight pedestrian cameras of a new kind are currently being tested.

The police officers of this town in the Hérault already have “classic” pedestrian cameras, where the image and sound are recorded, then can be consulted once they return to the police station.

The new pedestrian cameras, they broadcast the image and sound live to agents who operate at the Urban Supervision Center (CSU). A first in France, emphasizes the municipality.

“As soon as the patrol will trigger its camera, its GPS position will be displayed on the map. And all the (surveillance) cameras that are in the sector in this sector will (also) film the police”, explains to BFMTV Jean-Michel Weiss, head of the Municipal Police of La Grande Motte.

Dual purpose

The objective is twofold. First, send reinforcements if ever a control, an arrest or an intervention becomes complicated or goes wrong: the CSU operator having to confirm good reception of the flow, he can request the dispatch of additional agents.

The device also makes it possible to provide evidence in the event of outrage or violence. A necessary measure according to the mayor of La Grande-Motte. “Before, it was word against word. There, it is a direct means of securing the municipal agent”, explains at the microphone of BFMTV Stéphan Rossignol (LR).

This device is in the test phase for three weeks, before a possible generalization.

Matteo Pasteau and Manon Scarzello, with Ariel Guez

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