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In Mexico and Veracruz, it is time for women: Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, before more than 9,000 Veracruzans gathered in Coatzacoalcos

Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, April 15, 2023.- “It is up to all of us to defend the transformation, that there be no regressions or a step back. But also spaces for women. Today we live in a society governed by law and women can be mayors, engineers, lawyers, we can build refineries, be governors and, of course, presidents of the Republic”, expressed Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, before more than 9 thousand Veracruzans who, from south to north, from Uxpanapa to Pánuco, traveled to Coatzacoalcos, for the visit of the head of government of CDMX.

In one of the main avenues of this Veracruz port, packed by a crowd interested in listening to the public policies that the morenista has implemented in the capital of the country, Sheinbaum spoke of the continuity of the transforming project headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as well as the vision shared by the governments of the Fourth Transformation, during his keynote speech, which was attended by Governor Cuitláhuac García, the Secretary of Energy, Rocío Nahle, and the mayor of this municipality, Amado Cruz Malpica.

“In CDMX we govern with principles. For the good of all, first the poor, without corruption, with a government that does not enrich itself at the expense of the people. Power is a virtue when it is put at the service of others; it is the essence and the cause of our government”, said Sheinbaum Pardo, before listing the actions with which he has turned the capital of the country into a city of rights, innovative, “for all”.

“Brave, honest; Claudia president!” was heard in chorus, while the capital’s chief listed her government’s work for social justice and fundamental rights, as well as in education, by establishing a scholarship for all children and girls in basic public schools and the creation of two public universities.

In his speech, Rocío Nahle affirmed that “in Veracruz it is time for women, and today we are with Sheinbaum.” The head of the Ministry of Energy listed some of the environmental projects that have been proposed by Claudia Sheinbaum, also an energy engineer and environmental scientist.

Among them, the photovoltaic solar park in the largest urban area in the world and a waste collection plant for the production of energy, among others that are the responsibility of the head of government of CDMX, a metropolis that on the initiative of the morenista prohibits the use of first-use plastics, a measure that saves tons of waste.

when greeting her, The head of government recognized the work of the head of the Ministry of Energy as responsible for all the refineries in the country, particularly the construction of the Dos Bocas refinery; She “is a representative of the Fourth Transformation and here in Veracruz she has a great future,” she added.

“The squares are too small for the people of Veracruz and this time with more reason. We have two luxury guests: the engineer Claudia Sheinbaum and Rocío Nahele”, said Governor Cuitláhuac García, welcoming the participants, as well as the people of Veracruz from all over the state who attended the conference entitled “Public Policies for the Benefit of the citizenship”

“The history of Mexico passes through Veracruz, the destiny of Mexico is written with Veracruz. Claudia will receive the affection of the people of Veracruz because she is an exemplary companion of this great movement headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obradoradded the host. Finally, Mayor Amado Cruz commented, “that the rulers of large cities, such as CDMX, are called to influence national issues.”

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