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In response to Berlin New Year’s Eve riots: Neukölln restaurateurs invite rescue workers

After the much-discussed riots on Berlin’s New Year’s Eve, which were directed against rescue workers from the fire brigade in Neukölln in particular, restaurateurs from Sonnenallee are now speaking up. Both Lebanese restaurant City Chicken owner Omar Nhas and YouTuber Big Baba, known for testing restaurants in his videos, can be seen in a video shared on Thursday.

Nhas begins the clip with the sentence “Unfortunately, we have to address a somewhat more serious topic today” and then announces that he wants to talk about New Year’s Eve in Berlin. “Young people out of control” attacked the paramedics and fire brigade, says “Big Baba”. Both distance themselves from the violence. “Even during the war, paramedics are not attacked,” says restaurant owner Nhas, “except in Neukölln.”

To pay respect to the officers, the two men announce a one-time action. In cooperation with other restaurateurs and shopkeepers in the Sonnenallee, the rescue services are to be invited to dinner on January 23rd and 24th. The paramedics and firefighters still have to pay one euro per dish due to legal regulations, but the money raised should then be donated.

The video has been viewed more than 12,000 times on Instagram. The spokesman for the German fire brigade union Berlin-Brandenburg, Manuel Barth, thanked the initiators, “the business people from Neukölln”, via Twitter.

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