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In Sportivo Luqueño they open the doors to the transfer of Blas Armoa to Colo Colo: “It would be fantastic”

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The vice president of Sportivo Luqueño, Juan Darío Cáceres, assured that it would be fantastic if the striker’s arrival at Cacique materialized. In addition, he acknowledged that Tigre does not have the money to make the purchase option effective to retain him in his ranks.

© File, Archive.In Sportivo Luqueño they give the green light to the arrival of Armoa to Colo Colo.

One of the main tasks that Gustavo Quinteros entrusted to the Colo Colo leadership is to strengthen the offensive and find a replacement for Gabriel Costa, who released a foreign quota after his move to Alianza Lima from Peru.

In this sense, one of the many names that is in the folder of the sports management of Blanco y Negro is that of Blas Armoa, a skilful Paraguayan striker who had a great year at Tigre in Argentina, where his contract expires on December 31 of this year. year.

The 22-year-old forward arrived at the Argentine team on loan from Sportivo Luqueno from Paraguay, who already are aware of the interest of the Popular Y They opened the doors to a possible transfer to the Monumental Stadium.

In Sportivo Luqueño they open the doors upon arrival in Colo Colo

This was recognized by the club’s vice president himself, Juan Dario Cacereswho in conversation with Radio Cooperativa, assured that It would be fantastic if his arrival at the Popular materialized and warned that Argentines do not have money to retain him in their ranks.

In the first instance, he maintained that “he is a player who is exploding, a fast boy, but if there is a good offer for him, the club will not oppose. He more than fulfilled for the club, and playing in a big team from South America like Colo Colo will be fantastic for him and us“.

Later, he indicated that “this boy was very groped by the previous leadership of the club, he was in Mexico, he came, and he is just beginning to settle down. He had the opportunity in Tigre and is at his best moment. He is a fast player, a goalscorer, he has a significant handicap to be hired by any large South American institution“.

Finally, Cáceres maintained that Tigre “he doesn’t have the money. We have to see what happens. If they do not make use of the option, they have to return to Luqueño. I think it was a million dollars. You have to negotiate and it is until December 31 is the option. If Tigre doesn’t comply, he has to come back.”

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