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In the absence of Baldur’s Gate 3 analysis, the real fantasy is the user reviews on Steam

In the absence of Baldur's Gate 3 analysis, the real fantasy is the user reviews on Steam

The day has finally come. Baldur’s Gate 3 its eternal Early Access phase ends and the fantasy of Larian Studios is made available to all players in its PC version. The release of patch 1.0 offers an adventure that lasts hundreds of hours thanks to the really extensive branching of its plot.

We have been able to play it for a little over 30 hours and here you can read our impressions while we continue to hit it hard for the analysis. If you are wondering why these analyzes have not already been published, the answer is simple: the codes for the press were sent last Sunday night, four days after the launch of the game and the embargo for the texts, which, in the case of of a game like this, it has been impossible for us to finish it and arrive on time.

So, in the meantime, many of Steam users have made their own reviews of what they thought of their progress in lands full of magic and surprises during Early Access and we have decided to collect a good handful of them to add to our list. own impressions. Get ready, laughs are coming.

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