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In the CSyD Colo Colo they defend the reinforcements: “It is very categorical to say that they did not work”

Colo Colo’s reinforcements have been between the eyebrows of the Albos fans. It is that most have presented physical problems, in addition to the little contribution they have had in the team. However, at the Social and Sports Club, they defend his arrival and lend the entire wardrobe to Daniel Morón.

© Guille SalazarIn the CSD Colo Colo they defend the reinforcements.

The last pass market was a true teleseries in Colo Colo. Reinforcements that arrived on time and starting players who left the institution marked the first months of the year, calling into question the work of Daniel Morón as Sports Manager.

Thus, being in April, the incorporations continue to be a recurring theme because none has been what was expected. If we take Ramiro González (who has played every game) and Fernando de Paul (who came to be the second goalkeeper and responded when required) out of the equation, the other footballers have had many physical problems, which has made it impossible for them to connection to the campus in an optimal way.

In the CSD Colo Colo they defend the reinforcements and Daniel Morón

Erick Wiemberg, Matías de los Santos, Fabián Castillo, Darío Lezcano, Matías Moya and Carlos Palacios have presented some problems. In fact, from this list, the former Vasco da Gama is the only one currently playing, while heThe others work to make themselves available to the coach Gustavo Quinteros.

There are many criticisms that Blanco y Negro faced for its policy when hiring in 2023 and it is a problem addressed by Matías Camacho, president of the CSD Colo Colo. In dialogue with the ESPN program F90, Camacho stated that “the contracts were late and that affects the set-up and operation of the team because it takes a certain amount of time, above all, for those who came without much competition. There is a physical, technical and tactical work that must be done”.

In addition, he referred to the words of Alfredo Stöhwing about a possible investigation of the players who arrived at Macul for this season. In this regard, he was emphatic in saying that “it seems very drastic to say that the reinforcements did not work. There have been problems, without a doubt, but it is due to physical problems, due to injuries. When Amor is lost, Matías de los Santos arrives and is injured. It seems to me that an evaluation should be done, not an investigation of the reinforcements. It has been a good job by Daniel Morón”.

The defense of Daniel Morón and the possible arrival of Sebastián González

Camacho also spoke about the work carried out by Morón in the Sports Management. In a clear defense of his work, he assured that they are very satisfied with Loro as head of the technical office “because, in addition, in the previous year the contracts were praised and this year they are criticized and the sports manager was the same. There is a structural problem and that is that Daniel Morón, in charge of something so important, needs more support and reinforcement”.

“Reinforcing that area means putting together a team that can have different functions for different aspects, such as searching for players, viewing or closing contracts. There cannot be a single person in charge of all issues”supplemented.

To close, he took advantage of denying any rapprochement with Sebastián González to come to support the American champion in 1991. Camacho commented that “There have been no conversations with Chamagol. It’s not like we’re pushing itI only replied that it seemed like a good name to me, because he is someone who could contribute a lot, born in Colo Colo, who has a valuable career in the institution and who has knowledge about it and has also worked in other clubs.

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