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“In the end, I was playing my own role”: this actor could no longer bear to play in the Harry Potter films

news culture “In the end, I was playing my own role”: this actor could no longer bear to play in the Harry Potter films

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The Harry Potter license has been talked about a lot for a few weeks now. After the controversy and the successful release of Hogwarts Legacy, actor Rupert Grint, who played Ron Weasley on screen, returned to the films of the license: for him, the end of the saga was a real relief .


  • Acting in Harry Potter was difficult
  • Lots of similarities between Rupert Grint and Ron Weasley

Acting in Harry Potter was difficult

If you have been able to see Rupert Grint in many film productions recently, starting with The Cabinet of Curiosities by Guillermo del Toro or in Knock at the Cabin by M. Night Shyamalan, a film released in theaters on February 1st, the actor is best known for having lent his features to the character of Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter saga. He has indeed held this role for more than 10 years, just that.

Today, Rupert Grint can be proud to have held such an important role in the history of cinema, but the actor admits that it was not always an easy exercise: quickly, he identified with his character.

Harry Potter was so addictive, we toured most of the year, and then we promoted the rest of the time. It felt like we were out of our bodies for a really long time, and I think we finished at the right time. If we had continued, it could have deteriorated. I needed to stop, to take a step back. Rupert Grint via Bustle Magazine

Lots of similarities between Rupert Grint and Ron Weasley

In addition to embodying his character most of the time, much like Ron Weasley, Rupert Grint himself comes from a family in which he struggled to find his place, which of course reinforced this feeling of being one with the hero.

I had difficulty getting noticed. In the movies, Ron and I were one. In the end, I was playing my own part. Rupert Grint

Today, the actor admits to having felt relief when the very last scene of the saga was finished being shot. Despite everything, the actor does not seem to regret all these years as he has already proven in the Harry Potter meeting which took place in 2022.

As a reminder, Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy, the Harry Potter game, is available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S in its Early Access version. The game will be officially released on these same platforms from February 10.

About Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy

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