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In the first quarter of the year, more than 74,000 breathalyzer tests were carried out on routes in Santa Fe

The Provincial Road Safety Agency carried out 7,530 control operations throughout the territory during the first three months of the year, which represents an increase of 19% with respect to the same period of 2022. In addition, personnel from the Road Safety Police carried out more than 74,000 breathalyzer tests that seek to reduce road accidents due to the incidence of alcohol consumption while driving.

“We carry out a control policy whose objective is the systematization of the operations throughout the province to install in the citizens the idea of ​​control as a daily practice that allows building self-care with the support of the provincial State”, explained the Undersecretary of APSV, Osvaldo Aymo. “The active and permanent presence of controls on the routes is what generates a culture of control that results in greater respect for the rules”he added.

The Road Safety Police carry out control actions systematically every day of the week in all time slots. From January to March of this year, 7,530 operations to control different risk behaviors were carried out on all routes in the province, a record that represents an increase of 19% compared to the same period in 2022, when 6,336 were carried out.

Within this framework, 152,850 vehicles from all ports were inspected and 30,066 infringement reports were filed. This value also rises 11% (27,140 certificates drawn up in 2022), and finally the index of certificates per controlled vehicle increases, reaching 20%. In summary, 84 operations were carried out per day, 1,700 vehicles were controlled and 330 minutes were drawn up.

The director of the APSV, Antonela Cerutti, expressed: “Although the numbers are favorable, we need the support of social and family environments to work on this reality, which is one of the main risk factors involved in road accidents. Older adults, tutors and teachers are the main actors who must accompany us to generate and transmit good practices to society, understanding in this sense that a bad decision can be a life that is lost”.


The control of alcohol in drivers is one of the main axes of the road accident prevention policy of the current provincial management, the operators are carried out every day at all times, covering the entire territory, on routes and highways. In the period analyzed, 74,269 breathalyzer tests were carried out, while from January to March 2022, 46,156 were obtained, which represents an increase of 61% in the tests carried out.

Drivers with a positive result were 1,232 in 2023 and 908 in 2022, representing an increase of 36% of this record.

The breathalyzer tests show very good records thanks to the greater use of alometers that represent 87% of the tests carried out. Punishable positive tests (graduation higher than what is allowed by law) rose 36%.

Cerutti affirmed that “the active presence of the Road Safety Police continues on the routes, carrying out massive and more agile controls. This work that our police carry out daily must be complemented with the same public policy in the jurisdictions of municipalities and communes: carry out controls. A drunk driver that is detected and removed from circulation is one or more lives that are saved, we will never know, but there is no doubt about it.

Finally, the director of the APSV stated that “we concluded a weekend with highly positive results. Being able to count on technological and innovative elements strengthens and streamlines the operation of our controls, this allows us to reinforce the preventive strategy that we have been developing in the management of Omar Perotti to take care of the lives of all Santa Fe men and women”.

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