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In the yard of your house: "chirola" Romero, new Gymnastics Coach

Cowen accompanied “Chirola” Romero in his presentation/Dolores Ripoll – doLORES RIPOLL

Emotion and responsibility. This is how he lives these first hours as tripero coach Sebastián Romero. Yesterday at noon, “Chirola” was presented as DT albiazul, with a contract for one season, until December of this year.

“I’m very happy. I honestly did not expect to be the first coach today. We were doing a very good job in reserve and given the situation of the club and what happened with regard to Pipo, Mariano proposed this possibility to me. He told me about the things that were happening at the club, so it was difficult to say no, because it was going to be difficult to bring another coaching staff. Given this situation, with our entire work group we do not hesitate and we are working. There was a lot of time lost, but we started on Tuesday and we are already making up for it. I am very happy, we are in the place where we all want to be, Estancia Chica, doing the preseason. Here we did many and it is a privileged place in which many teams would like to be, ”said Chirola in his presentation, before giving way to the round trip with the journalists present.

Romero said he was “very happy” with the possibility of leading his club. And he also laid out the bases, his ideas about the task have already begun to develop, beyond the emotional aspects: “One looks at his life, sees the past and gets excited. In my case, things were happening to me from a very young age here. We will continue to do our best, always fighting as they taught me at this club, with sacrifice, humility, responsibility, and work. That is what I am going to instill in the players. It is what I know, what they also taught me at home. I don’t believe in anything else. And I think that we are doing well in these three days of work, we are going to get to the championship well. I have a lot of confidence in the squad, in the group we have. We are going to be a very competitive team, I have no doubts”.

The brand new mens sana coach “projected for later” the possibility of taking charge of a team, but he understands that the chance comes at a good time. “He finds me fine, with two years of working with the boys in reserve. I think he arrives at a time when I feel prepared, capable and with the advantage of knowing the players and the club. I am happy, with a lot of faith and confidence that everything will turn out well”.

“Chirola” worked a lot tactically in reserve around a 4-3-3 with insiders with very good footing and spicy wingers. “I want it to be a difficult team for the rivals and to be the protagonist. There are very good players, I fully trust the mix between big and young players who want to progress. Position by position we are fine, we are ready to face any team. For this reason, beyond the complex situation of the club, one feels that he has a team that supports him and will support him on the pitch”, said the coach.

Romero sent the players a clear message. “The only thing I ask of you is that you respect the shirt, that you leave everything for it. The fan is going to thank them, ”he said. “There are kids who play very well and the experienced players pull the car and show the boys the way. You have to try to play well to be a complete team, ”he added, while expressing that he likes aggressive football with a lot of dynamics in his teams. “I want the fans to leave the field represented by a team that gave everything and to go home happy. That is what I want, that people can leave happy ”, developed the DT.

“I like teams that are protagonists, intense, aggressive, that have many scoring situations. I want the defenders to be focused so that play can start again and always have control of the game in our hands. Little by little we are working, it is what we want to instill in the players, that they understand what we want both at home and as a visitor”, explained “Chirola”, who after leaving football with the Quilmes shirt took charge of the tripera reserve at the beginning of 2021 when Leandro Martini and Mariano Messera took charge of the first team after the death of Diego Maradona and the departure of Sebastián Méndez.

“I feel excitement, of course, but beyond that I’m focused on work,” Romero said of his new role. “It is a responsibility but I am convinced that is why I made the decision to be able to do it. Things are going to turn out well” marked the former player, who came to Gymnastics at the age of 6 and had three steps as a footballer.

When it comes to rethinking the characteristics and objectives of his incipient career as a coach, the name of Carlos Griguol is inescapable. “I grew up with Timoteo. It is inevitable to talk about him. I grew up with that work methodology and I believe in it. Of course one is not going to be the same because Timoteo is incomparable, just like José Néstor Pekerman”. Beyond the praise for the DT who led him to the youth teams and allowed him to be world champion in Malaysia ’97, Timoteo is the beacon for “the nobility and respect he had for the profession.”

“I always said that he is the perfect coach because he met all the conditions that a coach must have,” Sebastián Romero said of Timoteo. “Beyond the fact that he was demanding, he was a very close guy. He was stern when he had to be, he pampered when he had to. Hopefully he has a little bit of what he was. Having had him helps me a lot because in different situations it helps me solve things”, explained “Chirola”, whom Griguol brought to Betis in the joint experience that DT and player had in Iberian lands.

“Chiro” also took his time to talk about affections. Raised in a well-rounded family, the new position is an impact. “The reality is that I still haven’t had a minute to sit down and talk to my old man and my old woman,” said the DT. “I would like to but we need to work a lot. They understand it, they know me perfectly. We talked on the phone and they are very happy, ”he completed.

He also referred to the presence of one of his friends from the ’78 category, World Cup player Leandro Cufré, who visited him in Abasto. “Lea was always by my side in all the important events of my life. She made me very happy, I knew she was going to be here. He always wants to help. He is from gymnastics and as a child he knows well what this is. He also makes me very happy that Luquitas Lobos is still in reserve. We are going along the same line, a lot of people working in the lower ranks so that things go well. It is a moment to be all together, all united, because this time for the club is not easy. But who did not go through a difficult time in his life and was able to get ahead? I have great faith that we will all do it together. I do not have doubts”.

“The only thing I ask of you is that you respect the shirt, that you leave everything for it. The fans will appreciate it.”

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