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INADI cited Pichetto for his statements about the sexual orientation of the Minister for Women

The head of the Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI), Greta Pena, summoned the Auditor General of the Nation, Miguel Angel Pichetto, “to hold a meeting about the highly harmful implications of using stereotypes to settle public debates”as can be read on the official’s Twitter account.

Miguel Angel Pichetto publicly said that “they could have put a woman” in charge of the Women’s Ministry, since “is in the hands of a girl who is lesbian”in reference to the sexual orientation of the Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity, Ayelén Mazzina, in criticism of the official’s position on the murder of Lucio Dupuy.

Miguel Ángel Pichetto, Auditor General of the Nation. Source: (Infobae).

Mazzina’s response to the statements of the leader of Together for Change came quickly through her social networks, in which she published “I am a woman, lesbian, feminist and Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity of the Nation, and I I invite (Michelangelo) pichetto talk about ESI when you feel ready”, alluding to the National Comprehensive Sexual Education Program, and the mandatory training that must be carried out by the members of the three powers of the state, provided for by Law Micaela 27499.

The head of INADI warned that “There are limits that we cannot cross”, and he commissioned the body’s legal team to “analyze the public statements of the Auditor General of the Nation”against the Minister for “associating the sexual orientation and identity of a person with their suitability or political position.”

Greta Pena – Auditor at INADI. Source: (RN Newspaper).

the president of space Federal Republican Encounterexplained in his social networks that his statements were misrepresented, and clarified that his intention was “denounce that the Ministry for Women did not repudiate the murder of Lucio Dupuy, because the sexual orientation of the minister coincided with the perpetrators of the crime”and stressed: “I am in favor of the exercise of people’s freedom regarding their decisions.”

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