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Income from tourist currencies exceeds 28 billion dollars

Ernesto Sarabia / Reform Agency

Friday, February 10, 2023 | 19:58

Mexico City.- In the Country, in all of 2022, income from international visitors amounted to 28 thousand 16 million dollars, after increasing 41.74 percent annually, and expenses did so by 37.41 percent.

The data from the Inegi reveal that the expenses resulting from visits abroad by residents in Mexico rose to 7 thousand 72 million dollars.

The difference between income and expenses was reflected in a surplus in the tourism balance of Mexico for 20 thousand 944 million dollars, a maximum value since at least 2017.

This allowed the surplus an increase of 43.27 percent compared to 2021, while allowing it to surpass that of 2019 by 42.55 percent, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused a collapse in the indicator a year ago.

The foreign currency collection of 2022 by international visitors was 14.01 percent higher than the pre-pandemic level and the expenses presented a lag of 28.43 percent.

Last year, the number of visitors who entered Mexico was 66.0 million, 19.34 percent more than in 2021, and residents in the country who went abroad totaled 41.9 million, which represented an increase of 27.14 per year.

Despite the aforementioned increases, the number of people who visited the country last year is still 32.25 percent below the pre-pandemic level and the indicator for the departure of residents in the country was minus 49.34 percent.

Only in December, the number of visitors to Mexico stood at 7,212,989 people, 20.94 percent more than in the same month of 2021.

The residents of Mexico who visited abroad totaled 4,184,332, which meant 20.85 percent more than in the twelfth month of 2021 when there were 3,462,499.

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