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Increase in salaries?: Trainees in health and care professions earned an above-average amount

According to the Federal Statistical Office, trainees in health and care professions earned an above-average amount last year. They came to an average of 1139 euros gross per month, as the Wiesbaden authorities announced on Wednesday.

In aviation and shipping professions, such as air traffic controllers or shipbuilders, it was 1054 and 1051 euros respectively. In the trades, earnings were significantly lower at 901 euros. Trainees in artistic professions such as music, photography or graphic design received the least at 783 euros.

In total, in the survey month of April 2022, trainees earned an average of 1057 euros gross per month over all years of training – without special payments such as vacation or Christmas bonuses. At 1101 euros, women came to slightly more than men at 1022 euros.

In general, earnings increase with the size of the company. Companies with fewer than 10 employees paid their trainees an average of 828 euros. In large companies with 1000 or more employees, it was 1253 euros gross per month.

In companies without a collective agreement, there has been a minimum training allowance since 2020, which is adjusted annually. Apprentices who started in 2022 received at least 585 euros gross per month in the first year. At the beginning of the training this year, it will be at least 620 euros per month. (dpa)

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