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Increased 85% entry of people with US visa to Mexico: Segob

The Ministry of the Interior (Segob) reported a 85% increase in relation to the same period of 2022, at the entrance of US visa holders both tourists and digital nomads.

According to the federal agency, between January and February of this year, through the Immigration Policy, Registration and Persons Identity Unit (UPMRIP), an entry into Mexico of almost 75 thousand foreign people with a US visa.

As we have mentioned in other informative notes of The Truth Newsthe immigration unit updated the document “Impact of immigration facilitation measures for the entry into Mexico of foreigners who require a visa”, which systematizes the measures to expedite the air migratory flows of those who wish to enter the country on a regular basis, for this reason said record was obtained.

What is the influx of Americans to Mexico according to Segob?

The entry of visitors to Mexico is increasing in 2023, reports Segob

On the subject, the Government explained that these actions allow foreigners who require a visa to enter Mexico without being bearers of this document, as long as they have any of the following:

  • Electronic Authorization System (SAE) for tourists, business people and visitors without paid activity permit from Russia, Ukraine and Turkey;
  • Permanent residence card for foreign population living in the United States (USA), Canada, Japan, Schengen area;
  • Members of the Pacific Alliance (NATO) and Travel Card for Business Persons (ABTC).

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The report “Impact of the migratory facilitation measures for the entry into Mexico of foreigners who require a visa” indicates that the increase was 85% in relation to the previous year because in 2022 the entry of 40 thousand 527 was registered, while in 2023 it was 74 thousand 955.

In addition, it reflects the number of events from January-February 2023. The total number of air tickets of foreign people who entered Mexico amounted to 3 million 739 thousand 641, which means an increase of 23.4% compared to the same period of the previous year. , which was 3 million 29 thousand 417.

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