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Increases conversational commerce by AI, according to study

  • Conversational commerce is the empowerment of consumers to make purchasing decisions.

  • It is estimated that the global number of successful chatbot interactions in the retail sector will reach 22 billion.

  • Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and ChatBots are some of the most popular alternatives for businesses.

Consumer habits have changed and with this new trends that have emerged thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI). A new study revealed that by 2023 the global number of successful chatbot interactions in the retail sector is predicted to increase in conversational commerce.

According to Sprout Social, conversational commerce is the empowerment of consumers to make purchasing decisions, as well as purchase products or services and carry out transactions through messaging applications and other conversational technologies.

This type of action has gained popularity, since they arrive with services and technologies that have transformed the way people buy

In this sense, and according to data from Juniper Researchit is forecast that by 2023 the global number of successful chatbot interactions in the retail sector will reach 22 billion.

Likewise, the research indicates that the study indicates that globally the total number of chatbots that work in messaging applications will increase from 3.5 billion in 2022 to 9.5 billion in 2026.

The research highlights that this growth, which is equivalent to 169, percent will be driven by the adoption of omnichannel retail strategies by e-commerce players and the incremental integration of chatbots.

For its part, a study carried out by Facebook reveals the impact of omnichannel, where more than two billion people use platforms such as WhatsApp. And 66 percent of consumers are more confident about making a purchase when a business is active on messaging apps, while 55 percent feel more connected to the brand.

Specialists indicate that the main objective of this trend is to improve the shopping experience, provide advice and generate interactions that prioritize user comfort through fluid and natural conversations.

Although technology has evolved over time, in recent years it has gone further, and according to a report published by PWC, conversational commerce is already a reality and it is estimated that by 2030 close to 50 percent of company profits will be generated through artificial intelligence, with tools such as bots.

Experts say that this tool allows you to define a wide range of current promotions in different regions and places.

Likewise, according to data from Napse, which they obtained from the analysis of data processed in the cloud in 2022, belonging to the 2,500 customer storesit was obtained that more than 12 billion transactions were processed, for a total amount of 3.5 trillion dollars.

And this is how, in retail, it is increasingly popular to see this tool being implemented in sales strategies, to facilitate purchase interactions between customers and stores. This allows customers to ask questions and make purchases through a natural conversational interface, instead of having to navigate a website or visit a physical store.

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