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INDEC postpones the publication date of April inflation

The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) made the decision to Postpone the publication of the inflation data for April. Originally, the broadcast was scheduled for next Friday, May 12, but moved to Monday May 15.

In this sense, INDEC reported: “We updated the dissemination calendar because, after rechecking the publications scheduled for this month, We detected dates that coincided with the prohibition of provincial elections installed after the fact of our annual dissemination scheme. The technical reports that were scheduled on 4 closed Fridays were rescheduled for the next available business day.

During this month elections are held in eight provinces. The first weekend of May corresponds to Misiones, Jujuy and La Rioja and the next one is voted in La Pampa, San Juan, Salta, Tucumán and Tierra del Fuego.

Thusthe publication dates of the reports are as follows:

– May 10: Index of wages and international tourism

– May 15: Inflation (CPI)

– May 16: Basic food basket (CBA) and total basic basket (CBT).

– May 17: Installed capacity, wholesale prices and cost of construction.

– May 18: Argentine Trade Exchange (ICA)

– May 23: Economic activity (EMAE)

– May 24: Supermarkets, wholesalers and shopping centers.

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