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"Indecency", "parisian ailments": the Socialist Party withdraws a clip criticized by Internet users

Published at the end of December, the clip depicted the daily lives of several people confronted with the economic and social context. People with a profile deemed unrepresentative of the French population by Internet users.

“Indeed, this clip is totally rubbish”. These are the words chosen by PS MP Valérie Rabault on Twitter to describe her party’s latest campaign video clip released at the end of December. A video mocked by Internet users which has since been deleted from social networks by the Socialist Party, as reported by our colleagues from the Figaro.

If the video is no longer available on the accounts of the rose party, it was nevertheless recorded and relayed on the web, in particular on Twitter.

In this clip, which lasts about two minutes, we can see and hear the daily difficulties that the French are now facing. “We’re going to wait a little longer before turning on the heating”, “the accounts are no longer good”, “the garden will have to wait a little bit and the grandchildren too”… Olivier Faure’s party here is the rise in the cost of energy, that of the price of the shopping basket, but also the postponement of the retirement age desired by the government.

“Left caviar”

But it is on the form that the video has been particularly criticized. “For them ‘the French’ = good Parisian sores”, “the left caviar especially there”, “what indecency”… Several comments from Internet users denounce the portrait which is made of the French in the clip: a thirty-year-old buying a leek at five euros in her neighborhood grocery store or an employee working on an iMac.

Another scene that made Twitter react: when the First Secretary evokes in voiceover the fellow citizens living below the poverty line while the image passes to a young person wearing a backpack that looks a lot like a model sold by a brand of luxury.

The Socialist Party has since published another video clip featuring Olivier Faure in the middle of a “Macronpoly” party, inspired by the famous board game, castigating a “disconnected” and “surrealist” president.

Hugues Garnier BFMTV journalist

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