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Indiana Jones, Lara Croft or Nathan Drake, who wins in a treasure hunting fight?

Indiana Jones, Lara Croft or Nathan Drake, who wins in a treasure hunting fight?

the stories of adventures y treasure hunt they have been romanticized since the time of the pirates. Throughout time, many people have dreamed of following the clues on a map to the big X that marks the prize. The reality is far from fantasy, since it usually involves many hours of research and no less money.

It was between 1973 and 1977 that George Lucas y Steven Spielberg They shaped the figure that represents adventures and treasure hunters: Indiana Jones. They chose Harrison Ford, who had just played Han Solo in Star Wars, to bring this intrepid character to life. The resemblance of both is no coincidence. 5 movies have been made:

  1. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
  2. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
  3. Indiana Jones and the last crusade (1989)
  4. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
  5. Indiana Jones and the dial of fate (2023)

Indiana Jones It has become an icon recognized throughout the world and was the main inspiration to create two other treasure hunters that have become legends: Lara Croft (Tom Raider) y Nathan Drake (Uncharted), both protagonists of their own video game saga. They also have movies!

Since then, many people have wondered: who is the better treasure hunter?, who would win in a confrontation? Asking these questions doesn’t usually end well, but it’s worth it for the channel’s response soothsayersupertramp in Youtube. It is a short film that confronts the three treasure hunters in a fight for a dagger… suspiciously similar to that of Prince of Persia. Who wins? We read you in comments.

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