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INE Complaints Commission refuses to stop tours and assemblies of "corcholatas"

INE Commission refuses to stop tours and assemblies of "corcholatas"

MEXICO CITY (apro).- The Complaints and Complaints Commission of the National Electoral Institute (INE) refused to stop the tours and informative assemblies of Morena.

Consequently, the so-called “corcholatas” will be able to continue making their tours and rallies in search of the presidential candidacy.

In an extraordinary session, the Commission determined that the acts of the possible candidates are being prejudged after the project proposed ordering Morena to immediately suspend these activities for being alleged proselytizing acts.

Counselor Rita Bell López and counselor Jorge Montaño voted not to impose any precautionary measure. While the vote against was from the counselor Claudia Zavala.

In this way, the INE Commission refused to stop the tours and informative assemblies that have been carried out by the so-called “corcholatas” of Morena.

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