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INE profiles “brake” the expansion of Alito Moreno in leadership of the PRI

INE profiles “brake” the expansion of Alito Moreno in leadership of the PRI

The National Electoral Institute (INE) gave a setback to the leader of the PRI, Alejandro ‘Alito’ Moreno after approving a draft that invalidates the statutory changes to the tricolor that allowed his permanence in the national leadership until the 2024 presidential elections pass.

The Commission of Prerogatives and Parties of the INE ruled in favor of considering the modifications to the statutes of the PRIapproved during the 62nd extraordinary session of the National Political Council, held last December, which was severely criticized by various actors from his party.

“The impossibility of ruling on the constitutional and legal origin of the modifications presented to the Statutes of the PRI, by virtue of non-compliance with the respective statutory procedure”, reads the draft.

If approved, Alito leaves the PRI leadership in August

If approved, Alito leaves the PRI leadership in August

Said document will be voted on next Monday, February 27, in a session of the General Council of the INEunder the premise that the PRI it did not prove the cause of exception to modify its basic documents.

It is added that the statutory change is not valid because it was not approved by the National Assembly, although the Political Council approved it in an extraordinary way.

“He PRI it did not observe the applicable statutory norms, which is why there is no material or legal possibility for this General Council to study the constitutional and legal origin of the modifications presented.”, it indicates.

PRI senators opposed the permanence of Alejandro Moreno

PRI senators opposed the permanence of Alejandro Moreno

Since the assembly was held last December, PRI senators Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong and Claudia Ruíz Massieu spoke out against said reform.

“The best interests of the party must be above the interests of the leadership,” said the former Secretary of the Interior at the time.

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