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Inep announces final result of the first stage of Revalida

The final result of the first stage of the 2023 National Examination for Revalidation of Medical Diplomas Issued by a Foreign Higher Education Institution (Revalidation) is available on the internet. The first stage of the exam was applied on March 5 and had 10,062 applicants. Of this total, 9,230 took the test and 1,216 passed.

According to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), the participant approved in this first stage is able to enroll in the second stage of Revalida, consisting of the clinical skills test. Entries for the second phase begin on May 15th and run until the 19th, at Revalidation System.

Consisting of two stages (theoretical and practical), the exam addresses what Inep calls the five major areas of medicine: internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics and family and community medicine (collective health). Participation in the second stage depends on approval in the first, which includes the objective and discursive tests.

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Revalida seeks to subsidize the validation, in Brazil, of the graduation diploma in medicine issued abroad. References are care in the context of primary, outpatient, hospital, urgent, emergency and community care, based on the National Curriculum Guideline for the Course of Medicine.

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