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Inflation is also hitting video games, the proof with this 7-year-old title!

Game news Inflation is also hitting video games, the proof with this 7-year-old title!

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While console manufacturers decided to increase the price of their machines a few months ago, it seems that some video games are also suffering from galloping inflation. The developers of a work released seven years ago decided to do the same to take into account the economic situation. And while we could expect a flood of dissatisfaction, the players have rather responded positively to this announcement.

Released in 2016, Factorio is a construction game that has received an excellent reception. Over the years, the title has forged a great community and the developers have chosen not to offer any reductions and never to participate in the sales. They have always worked, however, for their game to be stable and for the experience to be of quality and scalable. In Factorio, the player must manage resources, implement new technologies, install infrastructure and automate production. While maintaining its production chains, it must take care to exclude the natives who do not support the exploitation of their lands.

Both a single-player and multiplayer (local and online) game, Wube Software’s title has won over many players and the developers have responded to this growing demand by offering free extensions. Today, they have made a choice that they consider essential for the survival of Factorio.

Players say ‘yes’ to Factorio price increase

Knowing the popular game, the creators of Factorio prepared the community for this price hike. To respond to market inflation, the game will go from 30 to 35 dollars (according to Steam, it will therefore be 35 euros with us) and players have responded positively to this announcement. The latter believe that Wube Software has always taken care to avoid micro-transactions and other expensive DLCs. Many even suggest that interested parties offer different formulas or other add-ons to help with the development of the game.

Other titles, like Squad, tried the same approach, but the response from the community was much less positive.

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