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”Inflation is in the heads of the people”: Alberto’s controversial analysis in relation to his mandate

Monday, January 23, 2023 | 2:20 p.m.

Controversial analysis made by President Alberto Fernández on the sustained increases in the prices of products and services that occurred during his administration, with the last number of December in the indicator that marked 5.1% and raised the accumulated figure in twelve months to 94, 8%

According to the president, a large part of this inflation “is self-constructed”, that is, it “is in the heads of the people.” This was stated during an interview with the Brazilian media Band Jornalismo, in which he also spoke of a “fascination of Argentines for the dollar.”

How can public policy be made with such high price numbers?

“The issue is that this fascination with the dollar means that Argentines have found a new development with inflation. It’s not good what I’m saying, but it explains the question.” Later he maintained that this phenomenon is “negative and must be eradicated”, and raised criticisms of the administration that preceded him, led by Mauricio Macri.

“When I was in the campaign, I warned the Argentines: ‘Don’t think that the problem of inflation is solved as Macri said.’ An inflation of this nature is not resolved overnight, it takes time, ”he repaired.

Under this position, he said that “unfortunately we Argentines are almost experts in projecting the future with inflation”, but he warned: “It is an experience that I do not wish anyone else to have.”

”A large part of Argentina’s inflation is inflation that economists call self-constructed, which is inflation that is in people’s heads. People see in a newspaper that fuel is going to go up and then it starts to increase just in case”.

Together for change attacked the controversial phrase shot by President Alberto Fernández

Leader of United Republicans, a space that responds to Together for Change, legislator Ricardo López Murphy was one of the toughest. “We are governed by a delusional. Inflation is in the heads of people who can’t make ends meet. Who does the shopping in Olivos, Alberto Fernández? Ask him to show you a couple of tickets”, López Murphy closed bluntly.

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