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Inflation of food products: “It will be hard until the end of the summer”, warns Macron

Emmanuel Macron warned on Sunday in ” The Parisian » that the situation would be difficult “until the end of summer” concerning the prices of food products, which are the current main driver of inflation in France.

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“I’ll be honest, food prices, it’s going to be tough until the end of the summer”, warned the president, while year-on-year, food prices continued to accelerate, climbing 15.9% in March (after 14.8% in February). Faced with these surges, the Head of State pleaded for “work pays better”returning the ball to “employers” and at « dialogue social ».

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“The Smic continues to increase, the other salaries must follow, and this is one of the subjects that we have put up for negotiation”added Emmanuel Macron.

Inflation at 5.7%

Inflation reached 5.7% over one year in France in March, driven by soaring food prices, the National Institute of Statistics said in mid-April.

Both fresh products, such as fruit and vegetables, and non-fresh products such as bread, cereals, meat, cheese, chocolate or beverages are affected by this trend.

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At the end of March, the governor of the Banque de France François Villeroy de Galhau had underlined the existence of a “very sensitive period of high food prices” for the French people. According to the Banque de France’s 2023-2025 projections, food inflation has taken over from energy inflation as the main driver of price increases, it should peak “towards the end of the first semester”.

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“Increases are discussed at branch level”

Then prices would rise more slowly but “we do not expect a drop in food prices over the horizon of our projection”that is to say 2025, warned Matthieu Lemoine, one of the authors of these projections.

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Questioned Sunday noon by LCI, RTL and “Le Figaro”, the president of Medef Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux affirmed that his employers’ organization was not ready to discuss salaries at the national level.

“There is strong inflation and employees are legitimately asking for salary increases”, he admitted. But “It is discussed at branch level and at company level”he added in response to a question on the discussions that could be started with the trade unions after the promulgation of the pension reform.

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