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INFOGRAPHICS. We explain why LeBron James’ NBA points record is legendary

LeBron James broke the NBA regular season points record held by another basketball legend, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. This legendary record of 38,390 points in twenty seasons, however, was sought with different weapons than his elder by the Los Angeles Lakers star.

A shot out of time. On a jump shot back, a “fadeway”, LeBron James became the leading scorer in NBA history in the regular season with 38,390 points, during the loss of the Los Angeles Lakers against the Thunder. Oklahoma City. With tears in his eyes, the “King” of the Los Angeles Lakers was entitled to honors in the American League, right in the middle of the third quarter of the match against Oklahoma City.

During this ceremony, not necessarily improvised, on the floor of the Crypto Arena in Los Angeles, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, 75, the former record holder (38,389 points) and former legendary Lakers player, gave LeBron James a basketball, symbol of a transfer of power.

“I couldn’t have done it without you! I couldn’t have dreamed of anything better. Damn it guys, thank you!”

LeBron James, during the ceremony

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LeBron James is actually a little more in the history of the NBA. For many, it seemed impossible. “It’s a record that seemed absolutely untouchable, assures Bastien Fontanieu, the publication director of the media TrashtalkFrench-speaking reference for the NBA. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had set the bar so high. It’s a moment a little out of time that unfolds before our eyes, because it was part of a category of a few records that we thought were untouchable.

Still, this points record has been broken by LeBron James, but not with the same weapons as his elder. The two players do not already evolve in the same position: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, 2m18 for 102 kg, was a pivot while LeBron James, 2m06 for 113 kg, is a winger.

“The two eras are different, but it’s still an incredible record”

The two players therefore built their record differently. “During the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar era, we were on a prehistoric NBAsmiles Bastien Fontanieu. He was moving close to the basket. He was known for his shoot: the Sky Hook. A weapon, an uncontrollable missile for the defenders. This arm rolled in suspension, he used it during his immense career. LeBron James is a more complete player. He has a dribbling, a shooting and, above all, an almost unstoppable explosiveness. LeBron achieved this record in a slightly larger repertoire. He managed to score in the 2000s when you had to be close to the circle, but he adapted to different eras, especially the Stephen Curry era where the three-point shoot is central.

This three-point shot at an average of 34.4% per game is another essential weapon that allowed him to break the record. LeBron James built it, worked on it, faithful to his hardworking image, which he has unveiled in recent years, sometimes in his gym at home, on his personal floor or even in his cryotherapy chamber to facilitate his recovery.

The “Big Men” have long dominated the rackets with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar of the Milwaukee Bucks leading the Los Angeles Lakers between 1969 to 1989. The NBA decided to reward long shots in 1979, with the appearance of the famous three-point line. Today, to score as many points as possible, this long shot is essential and increases “easier” statistics, explains George Eddy, journalist at Canal+ and considered the voice of basketballIn France. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has scored just one three-pointer in his career. So that was a huge plus for LeBron James.“, he slips. What Makes George Eddy Say ‘King James’ Record Isn’t So “strong” than that of the six-time MVP (best player in a season) of the NBA: “Kareem Abdul-Jabbar scored more two-pointers and he did so until age 42.”

If the two players will have taken twenty seasons to reach the bar of 38,389 points, these two players have not, however, started to tread the floors of the NBA at the same age. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar went through college in California where he played for the UCLA Bruins. He therefore only started in the most famous basketball league in the world “at” the age of 22. LeBron James, like Kobe Bryant, went directly to the draft after high school at just 18. “Lebron enjoyed his younger years longer, notes Georges Eddy, where we perform very well. At the age of Abdul-Jabbar, this record was, in my opinion, more difficult to achieve.”

“Athletes who have exceeded human limits”

For Bastien Fontanieu, the comparison between the two NBA stars is legitimate. But for this other American basketball specialist, LeBron James’ record has a strong resonance in modern basketball. “Even if the times and the way to get there are different, I would say that there is no easier or more difficult way to reach this record, because you can also say that the athletes are better today. LeBron James has experienced more physical pressure, and especially media, for a career as a player. The two eras are different and it remains an incredible record. But we can also talk about longevity. Today regardless the player who wants to get closer to this legend, he will have to play 18, 20 years old at a very high level”notes the boss of TrashTalk.

This record indeed requires extreme regularity over many years: “It’s almost never seen at a high leveladds Bastien Fontanieu. There are not many athletes who are able to maintain this level of play over the years. We can talk about American football veteran Tom Brady, but the effort is not the same. With these two basketball players, we are on athletes who have exceeded human limits. They pushed back the laws of physics.”

“There was a standard, they blew it.”

Bastien Fontanieu

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A unique longevity

Although many have tried to overtake Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, none has had such a regular and long career. The legend Michael Jordan? He retired from sport twice in his career, including three seasons between 1998 and 2001. While Kobe Bryant served as the favorite to win the Grail, the former Lakers star lost all his chances after a tendon injury d’Achille in 2013. “Black Mamba” will never find its best level and will have to stop its career, worn out, three years later, on April 13, 2016. “LeBron James never knew that, notes Bastien Fontanieu. We has a player who has been there, every year, since 2003. Despite all the professionalism, you have to have an element of luck, too, the blessing of the gods of health to reach this record!” And the stats speak for the native of Akron, Ohio: in his first 19 seasons, the former Cleveland player achieved 16 seasons with more than sixty games. The 2020-2021 season was the one where he played the least with, all the same, 45 games played.

This record is also a reward for a player with unfailing professionalism and seriousness hails George Eddy. “He never missed an entire season with an injury. He put a lot of effort into preparing for and recovering from games. He hired staff to help him with coaches and personal cooks… He’s very modern in his professionalism and it shows. Still, today at 38, he misses very few games. From every point of view, it’s really his quality. At 38, it’s unique”notes the specialist.

A record made to last

There remains the question of “after”: does LeBron James still have challenges at 38? “I believe he’s trying to open doors that haven’t been opened by other legends before him.analyzes the director of publication of Trashtalk. It’s a legend that shows that it’s possible to be extraordinary at 38. That, really, is unheard of what he is showing us at his age. In addition, he has an impeccable attitude on and off the pitch. LeBron is the most extraordinary ambassador in NBA history and pfor athletes in other disciplines. It’s a bit of the peak to reach in terms of competitiveness.”

Above all, this record has a good chance of lasting for a few years and strengthening the legend of this player like no other, very active off the field with minorities, especially the African-American community. But a very promising young guard knocks on the door with, at its head, the Slovak Luka Doncic. “He arrived very young and has already scored a lot of points from the start of his career. So if he manages to make 20 years of career, he may be able to take this record. The era of three points will help these players to reach this record more quickly. We can also say that modern medical sciences allow players to treat themselves better. Recovery has, today, a real place. This will perhaps allow players to have longer careers and perform just as well between the ages of 35 and 40”we predict on the side of TrashTalk.

The star could now apply to set the bar as high as possible, with why not a fifth NBA champion title. And then, many other records are available to him: LeBron James could beat another in Salt Lake City on February 19 at the next All Star Game. He could then become the most selected player in this match which brings together the best players in the league and would join a certain … Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the most capped player of all, with 19 participations.

Finally, the Lakers star announced it several weeks ago: he wants to continue his career to play at least one season with his son Bronny. “I’ll play my last year with my son. Where Bronny goes, that’s where I’ll go. I’ll do whatever it takes to play with my son for a year. At that point, it won’t be anymore. a matter of money”he said in February 2022. LeBron James has signed until 2024 with Los Angeles, the same year his son will be proposed to the Draft.

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