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Infonavit seeks to regularize 2 thousand defaulters

More than 2,000 Infonavit beneficiaries with payment problems were summoned to regularize their situation.

Yesterday a solutions fair was held in Plaza Pejorza on Independencia Boulevard, where some 200 defaulters came to catch up.

César Cervantes was one of them, who went from the Parajes de San Isidro neighborhood to establish an agreement.

The man said that because he lost his job, he stopped paying for his house for three months, for which he was requested through a notification to appear at this fair yesterday.

He said that from 965 pesos that he paid monthly for his house, with the adjustment to catch up, it increased to 1,450 pesos.

While Luis Gerardo Sánchez, a resident of the Portal del Roble neighborhood, went with the intention of clarifying accounts, since from the 1,250 pesos he paid per month for his house, the figure rose to more than 2,270 pesos.

“My monthly payment is raising more than a thousand pesos and I don’t know why, so that’s why I come here, to clarify accounts,” he said.

Laura García, a resident of the Manuel Gómez Morín neighborhood, was also required by Infonavit to regularize her account, since she has not paid the payment for four months because she also lost her job.

According to Infonavit personnel who attended this solutions fair yesterday, the appointments that were held yesterday were through a direct invitation.

“The invitation is to offer support, either with a reduction in the monthly payment or with an agreement to bring them up to date,” said staff from said institute.

An open invitation was also made in case someone in the area presented problems with their payments, they could regularize their situation.

“What Infonavit does is offer support agreements, which are credit solutions. For example, if a person has six monthly payments due, but does not have to pay those six, only one, they come to us and we make an agreement, with which a monthly payment is established and they agree to continue paying from now on. . You pay a monthly payment and the rest are capitalized and interest is forgiven so that you can catch up,” added staff from the Institute.

According to data from the agency, Infonavit’s Overdue Portfolio Index (ICV) on this border decreased in the last year from 15 percent to 12.99 percent. (Iris Gonzalez)

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