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Infusions to relieve joint pain

Joint pain can be caused by different types of injuries or pathologies, such as arthritis, fractures, infections or muscle strain, among other factors that can cause inflammation and pain. In this sense, some of the warning signs that indicate a condition in the joints may be tenderness, redness, increased temperature in the affected area or difficulty in movement.

If the pain is not caused by a disease, such as arthritis or lupus, the main recommendations from experts are rest and moderate exercise. Likewise, massages, stretching exercises or lukewarm baths can be performed to try to alleviate the symptoms.

The devil’s claw, a plant with calming effects

In addition, as explained by Arkopharma Laboratories, there are a series of natural remedies that help to soothe joint, muscle and traumatic pain. The devil’s claw is a plant with natural calming properties that can be consumed in the form of an infusion and is rich in “harpagosides, glucoiridoids and procumbids”.

For this reason, this plant has been used since ancient times to relieve joint pain, as well as “to support treatment of minor injuries such as sprains,” they clarify. In this way, it serves as a natural remedy for joint well-being.

In the specialized portal of the Phytotherapy Research Center (INFITO), they mention that this plant is “a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural analgesic, used in the treatment of joint pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatism and other painful joint manifestations”.

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