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Inhabitants of a town near Caracas without electricity for more than 30 hours

Inhabitants of a town near Caracas without electricity for more than 30 hours

MIRANDA.- A new electrical failure keeps electricity to various areas of the city of San Antonio de los Altos, located in the Los Salias municipality of Miranda state, in north-central Venezuela, 30 minutes from Caracas, the capital city.

The information was issued through reports from users of the social network

Neighbors reported that three streets in the San Luis urbanization in the Mirandina state have been without electricity for more than 30 hours.

The failure began due to a breakdown apart from the general one in the urbanization, after the rainfall reported in various locations and sectors of the city. Until after noon, the problem had not yet been resolved, according to reports from the same residents.

Citizens demand a response from the National Electric Corporation (Corpoelec). They affirm that interruptions in the electrical service have become more frequent in the Altos Mirandinos. However, the state entity has not offered a response to those affected.

Electrical failures have become constant in the different locations of the Altos Mirandinos of the country, citizens from different sectors have reported repeated indefinite interruptions in recent weeks.

Localities such as Las Cumbres, Las Churuatas, Rosalito, El Amarillo, Potrero Gordo, Bosque Alegre are some of the most affected in the Mirandina town, according to the information provided by residents.

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national crisis

The electricity crisis that Venezuela is experiencing is increasingly visible and has led Venezuelans to adapt to a new reality where electricity cuts are increasingly constant and without prior notice.

The interruption of supply not only affects this town, but also different states of that country that are also affected. Among the comments from X users, reports also stand out in the states of Zulia, Lara, Falcón, Carabobo and Aragua, where power outages last up to more than 72 hours.

Caracas, the capital city, does not escape reality, through social networks Caracas residents reported that they have been without electricity service for 11 consecutive days in the Los Robles sector of El Manicomio in La Pastora, in the north of the country.

They called on the competent authorities to find a solution to this problem that often causes damage to household appliances, in addition to affecting the internet connection and communications and economic activities that require electricity.

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national blackout

By increasing the duration and frequency of electricity outages, after five years, Venezuelans fear that the seven-day national blackout that occurred in March 2019 and completely paralyzed the 23 states of the South American country could be repeated.

According to estimates, Venezuela registers close to 200 electrical outages daily, a situation that is reflected in Corpoelec’s profiles on social networks, where Venezuelans constantly denounce blackouts and ask the authorities for expeditious solutions.


Source: With information from social networks, Tal Cual and El Pitazo

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