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Insulin resistance: Seven signs to identify it

Insulin resistance It occurs when there is an excess of glucose in the blood and this reduces the ability of cells to absorb and use blood sugar for energy. This can increase the risk of diabetes. What are those warning signs that we should be aware of?

The nutritionist Mauret Rojas of the portal He comments that the signs may indicate that you need to make changes in your diet, since they are associated with disturbances in insulin sensitivity.

The expert points out that the best way to evaluate ourselves is through blood studies such as the A1C test or the glucose tolerance curve.

What are the signs of insulin resistance?

1. Acanthosis Nigricans

A dark pigmentation is observed in folds of the skin such as the neck, armpits, groin and folds of the abdomen.

2.- Very thirsty and increased urination

They occur due to high levels of circulating glucose that force the kidneys to work faster to try to eliminate what is left over.

The water in the tissues begins to be used to compensate for excess urination and that is why you feel very thirsty.

3.- Warts

People with obesity or insulin resistance tend to develop warts, the appearance of these warts is related to the damage in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

4.- Excessive craving for sweets or carbohydrates

Glucose cannot be used by our cells properly due to low insulin sensitivity, so our body will keep asking for quick energy in the form of sugar or carbohydrates.

5.- Acne breakouts

Elevated blood glucose levels increase inflammation and the production of free androgens, leading to more seborrheic skin and acne breakouts. In turn, insulin resistance decreases the ability to counteract oxidative stress.

6.- Frequent dizziness

Dizziness can occur because the brain is not processing enough glucose in the blood or from reactive hypoglycemia.

7.- Fatigue

Sleep disturbances, dehydration and changes in glucose levels can leave you feeling lacking in energy and focus throughout the day. There is a tendency to feel extremely tired after eating.

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