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Intercepted a British sailing ship with 2,000 kilos of cocaine 30 miles from Spain

Intercepted a British sailing ship with 2,000 kilos of cocaine 30 miles from Spain

Santander (Spain), Aug 2 (EFE).- A sailboat with the United Kingdom flag and several Spanish-American crew members was intercepted by the Spanish Police this Wednesday 30 nautical miles from the city of Santander (north) with 2,000 kilos of cocaine.

The Night Falls ship was transferred to the port of Santander for safekeeping after an “exceptional” and joint operation by the Customs Surveillance Service, the Civil Guard and the National Police on the coast of the Cantabrian Sea.

The crew – a Spaniard, two Venezuelans and a Colombian – did not resist when they were approached at dawn, and admitted that they were carrying the drug, valued at 70 million euros (77 million dollars), after it was verified that it was everywhere. the boat “a significant amount of bales”.

The sailboat, 13 meters long, was not on a certain course, according to the Civil Guard in a statement; the drug may come from the illicit drug trade in South America and the ship “had just crossed the Atlantic to arrive at the Spanish coast.”

The security body believes that the sailboat would be at those coordinates, waiting to carry out a transshipment of the drug, although its position was communicated by the United Kingdom, after searching for it for two days.

The boat, which was without lights or location systems, was transferred to the port after being checked, an operation coordinated and directed by the Anti-Drug Prosecutor of the Spanish National Court.

The Civil Guard explained that it is one more operation of those carried out on the so-called “Atlantic route of cocaine”, which uses sailboats from South America to pass drugs, in the middle of the ocean, to other ships that introduce it into Europe. .

The Atlantic Operations and Analysis Center, the Intelligence Center Against Terrorism and Organized Crime and the United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency (NCA, in its acronym in English) also intervened. EFE


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