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Intermittent and not very incisive: Radonjic has the opportunity but doesn’t exploit it

After the break, Radonjic no longer shone as before: now something more is expected of him

In this resumption of the championship, after the break for Qatar2022, the Turin didn’t particularly shine. In 3 games no win and only two points collected, against three opponents widely within reach such as Verona, Salernitana and Spezia. The feat was achieved in the Italian Cup at San Siro, but now the grenades must achieve their first victory in the league as soon as possible. To do this, everyone must be at the top, and a player who must return as incisive as before is Nemanja Radonjic. In the last few games he has done less well than usual, but now he has the opportunity to do well against Fiorentina, returning as before the World Cup. Above all, we must consider the fact that Vlasic and Miranchuk (aside from the wonderful goal against Verona) have not done very well in these first 4 games of 2023, so the Serbian must seize the opportunity. Ivan Juric in the press conference he said that it will stimulate him to be more involved on the pitch.

His season

The Serbian born in 1996 arrived in the summer from Marseille on loan and will be redeemed at the end of the season for 2 million euros. He immediately put himself on display in the grenade, driving the fans crazy in the summer with his plays. For him in the season 19 appearances between league and cup, with 4 goals, 2 assists and only one yellow card. Serbia didn’t do well in the World Cup, going out in the group stage, and he only played a few minutes as a substitute. Since he’s returned, he seems a little duller than usual. He stubborn easily and does not jump the man with serenity. Against Milan at San Siro he didn’t even enter the field in the 120 minutes, with Verona and Spezia he entered the match in progress, while against Salernitana he started from the first minute. However, the attacking midfielder is doing well, and enjoys the confidence of the Croatian coach: now it’s up to him to become incisive again and lead Toro to victory.

Nemanja Radonjic

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