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Intermittent fasting: this is how you have to do it to lose weight

Intermittent fasting: this is how you have to do it to lose weight

Overweight rates continue to be worrying in Spain, which is why maintaining a balanced and healthy diet and weight is increasingly necessary. Along these lines, more and more diets and superfoods to speed up metabolism have become popular, but among all of them there is one method that stands out above all: intermittent fasting.

A practice to which more and more well-known faces are signing up, especially to lose weight, but which also has its drawbacks if it is not done correctly. If what you are looking for is improve your eating habits and try the benefits of intermittent fasting, then we will talk about it and the best ways to do it.

What is intermittent fasting

Before showing you the types of fasting that exist and the most suitable for losing weight, it is important that you understand what the concept of intermittent fasting is. Starting with the fact that fasting or not eating anything it’s something we do naturally.

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This is something that we normally do naturally but for a limited period of time and always in the time slot that goes from dinner to breakfast the next day. But this varies in the case of intermittent fasting, in which it is proposed to extend those hours of non-eating and increase this period of time.

The objective of intermittent fasting is to improve our eating habits, but also to decrease total daily caloric intakeas well as lowering insulin levels to reduce the synthesis of body fat.

But intermittent fasting has different modalities, the best known is daily fasting that lasts less than 24 hours. Depending on whether or not you manage to do it correctly, you will get better or worse results, but be careful because not all metabolisms are prepared to do it.

Why is intermittent fasting not recommended for everyone?

First of all, as with any other diet, you should never do intermittent fasting without first consulting with health and nutrition professionals. The reason for this is that intermittent fasting not suitable for all audiences. This is the case of pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, minors, people with eating disorders, people with diabetes… In any of these cases, intermittent fasting is not recommended.

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If you are outside of these cases and your doctor or nutritionist finally sees fit to do it, you will have to be clear that as in any slimming dietit will be based on eating fewer calories than we need, but how does this influence intermittent fasting?

What types of intermittent fasting exist

If you finally decide to try intermittent fasting, we anticipate that you will have three different ways to carry it out. Any of these paths, as long as it is done well, will lead you to that weight loss. But the main difference is that not all can be assumed in the same way by all kinds of people. In the same way, all are based on that intake of fewer daily calories.

Precisely based on this last premise, it is also important that you understand that intermittent fasting will not do you any good if we later eat more calories than we have stopped taking with that fast. In this way, we will only achieve that the effort made has not been worth it and that intermittent fasting is ineffective.

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At the same time, this fast will have to be combined with healthy eating changes and with the right amounts. Read on to find out about the types of fasting that can help you lose weight:

Fast 5:2

In this fast you will have to start by eating in a healthy and balanced way for five days a week and then allow a couple of days a more restrictive intake in terms of calories, but it is not necessary that these two days be consecutive.

1:1 fast

This version of intermittent fasting is somewhat harder and requires alternating days of fasting (not total, just reducing caloric intake) with normal days. In this case we would not talk about suppression either and there would be no room for binge eating on normal days.

We will simply try again to consume fewer calories than usual and we can repeat this process alternately.

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Scheduled intermittent fasting

This is one of the best-known versions of intermittent fasting, and also the most common. To do this, you will have to stop eating for a few hours a day to help this reduction in insulin occur. But how do you know how many hours? It all depends on how flexible your metabolism is, but it’s best to start with periods of at least 12 hours without eating.

The easiest way to start doing it is to have dinner early and have breakfast late and from there you can work on increasing the time, but always leaning on that night break to eat. you can also increase to 14 or 16 hours daily even, for which the only thing you could consume will be foods that do not provide calories such as water, coffee or infusions.

The importance of combining fasting with healthy habits

For intermittent fasting to be effective, we first need to see it as a way to improve our own eating habits. And it is that reducing portions appropriately and eating healthier including fruits, vegetables, legumes, proteins, omega 3 and whole grains; we will be able to ensure a balanced diet with which to achieve a healthy weight and with nutritionally dense foods. All this will help us to improve our metabolism

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