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International Civil Aviation transports more than four billion passengers a year

International Civil Aviation transports more than four billion passengers a year

MIAMI. – The Aviation Civil International has its day this December 7. The objective of the anniversary is to generate and strengthen awareness in the world about the role of aviation in the social and economic development of States.

“The importance of aviation as a driver of global connectivity has never been more relevant to the objectives of the Convention. Chicago (1944) to look at international flight as a fundamental element that fosters world peace and prosperity,” says United Nations.

The Convention deals with International Civil Aviation and represents the most important regulatory treaty regarding International Public Aeronautical Law.

The United Nations recognizes the role of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) “in realizing a truly global rapid transit network at the service of all humanity.”

According to ICAO data, the International Civil Aviation network transports more than four billion passengers each year. Likewise, 65.5 million jobs are generated by civil aviation in the midst of economic activity that has been estimated at 2.7 trillion US dollars.

The first civil aviation agreement at the international level was formalized in 1919 with the signing of the Convention for the Regulation of Air Navigation in Paris.

Other Aviation agreements

In 2001, the Convention on International Guarantees in Items of Mobile Equipment and a Protocol on Matters Specific to Items of Aeronautical Equipment were adopted.

Following the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in September 2001, ICAO convened a high-level aviation conference to design a global security strategy. During the meeting it was pointed out that an effective global aviation security system imposes a collective responsibility on all States.

This strategy includes mandatory aviation security audits to assess the ability of States to regulate their areas based on security standards.


Source: United Nations / OAVCI / International Day Portal

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