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International pressure mounts on Niger coup plotters

Mohamed Bazoum, presidente de Níger, permanece bajo resguardo de militares golpistas. Foto Afp

Niamey. The United States and the European Union (EU) expressed their support for the ousted president of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum, and increased their pressure on the coup military, whom the African Union (AU) demanded this Saturday to restore constitutional order in a maximum of 15 days.

General Abdourahamane Tiani, who has commanded the Presidential Guard since 2011, appeared on state television on Friday to declare himself Niger’s new leader.

His men have kidnapped Bazoum, democratically elected, from his official residence in Niamey, the capital, since Wednesday.

Tiani justified the coup by stating that there is a “deterioration of the security situation” in the country due to the violence of jihadist groups.

The African Union and the European Union joined the international condemnation of this takeover, the last to date in the Sahel region. Mali and Burkina Faso have also suffered military coups in recent years.

The AU Peace and Security Council “demands military personnel to immediately and unconditionally return to their barracks and restore constitutional authority, within a maximum period of fifteen (15) days,” it said in a statement issued after a meeting on Friday.

He also condemned “in the strongest possible terms” the overthrow of the elected government and expressed deep concern about the “alarming resurgence” of military coups in Africa.

The EU’s diplomatic chief, Josep Borrell, said in a statement that the bloc “does not and will not recognize the authorities” behind the coup and called for the immediate release of Bazoum, who “remains the only legitimate president of Niger.”

Borrell announced the suspension “indefinitely and with immediate effect” of all security cooperation with Niger and the cessation of budgetary aid. He also indicated that the EU was ready to support future decisions taken by the West African regional bloc, “including the adoption of sanctions.”

On Friday, the head of US diplomacy, Antony Blinken, assured Bazoum by telephone, who despite the isolation has been able to receive calls from diplomats and various heads of state, that he has the “unwavering support” of Washington.

Regional Leaders Meeting

Leaders of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will meet on Sunday in Abuja, Nigeria, to assess the situation and likely sanctions.

French President Emmanuel Macron will chair a National Security and Defense Council on Niger on Saturday, where 1,500 French and 1,000 American soldiers are currently deployed.

Tiani, 59, remained out of the spotlight despite a stellar career that saw him lead the presidential guard since 2011, when he was appointed by former president Mahamadou Issoufou.

“He is not well known outside of military circles, he has no public presence,” said Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim, a researcher at the International crisis group.

When Bazoum became president, he stayed on. But, according to people close to the leader contacted by AFP, relations between General Tiani and the head of state had worsened in recent months due to Bazoum’s desire to replace him.

Landlocked Niger is one of the world’s poorest nations and often ranks last on the UN’s Human Development Index, despite being rich in uranium.

Its political history has been turbulent since 1960, when it gained independence from France. He has lived through four coups and numerous other attempts, including two before against Bazoum.

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