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International Women’s Day makes present the fight for rights and guarantees

International Women's Day makes present the fight for rights and guarantees

MIAMI. – The International Day of Women It is commemorated on March 8. This anniversary originated at the end of the 19th century during a time of expansion and turbulence.

United Nations points out that “International Women’s Day refers to ordinary women as creators of history and has its roots in the centuries-old struggle of women.” for participating in society on an equal footing with men.”

In this sense, the date represents an important milestone to consider the progress made, demand changes and “celebrate the acts of courage and determination of ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women’s rights,” indicates the UN. .

The Charter of the United Nations was the first international agreement that established the principle of equality between women and men. The recognition of women on this day originated in the activities of the labor movement at the beginning of the 20th century, both in North America and in Europe.

Furthermore, the UN advocates for “greater representation of women in key decision-making positions that shape and implement the agenda to ensure that multilateralism works through gender-transformative actions and agreements.”

Fight for rights

UNESCO states that it works to promote gender equality and human rights and autonomy. women within its mandate for peace and sustainable societies.

“Gender equality has been one of the two global priorities of the organization since 2008. The global priority of equality between men and women is implemented through results-oriented actions, both in the Secretariat and in Member States, with a wide range of partners,” he says.

The first celebration of Women’s Day took place in USA on February 28, 1909. That day, the strike of textile workers and women of the Socialist Party was called against working conditions in New York in 1908. Later, in 1917, women in Russia demonstrated in the midst of their crusade of “ Bread and Peace”: this was the last Sunday of February, which fell on March 8.


Source: United Nations /UNESCO / International Day Portal

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